The mainstream media has sort of glossed over the mysterious
illness and deaths affecting several hundred dairy cows in rural Southland in
New Zealand, first reported in early September. Initially it was thought
confined to just one farm and blamed on lead poisoning caused by the farmer grazing
his animals on ground that used to belong to a gun club, but when similar symptoms[i]were reported from farmers elsewhere in Southland, on some 30-50 other farms, other
options had to be considered.
swede |
The culprit, it appears, is the swedes (Swedish turnips, usually
called rutabagas in the US) the cows were feeding on. Cold-loving brassica
crops such as swedes and kale are often used as a primary feed for
pregnant dairy cows in the colder areas of New Zealand where winter grass
growth is poor, often grazed on site but sometimes provided as supplementary
feed. New Zealand farmers have been feeding cows swedes in the winter for some
years without problems (see here for a paper on this practice). Now there is a problem. Vets who examined strickened animals report severe liver and some kidney damage (see here). So, what has made this year’s
swede crop so deadly?
Green MP Steffan Browning has been investigating. He reported in a recent public Facebook
Post “PGG Wrightson Seeds partnered with DuPont and Plant & Food Research
to design Cleancrop Braccisca System which locks HT seed buying farmers into a
high fertiliser, pesticide and herbicide regime which is light years from
Steffan goes on to say, “The Best Practice Guide directs
grazing of glyphosate and broadleaf herbicide sprayed pasture ahead of planting
with their seed treated with a systemic insecticide
and two fungicides, in heavily nitrogen and phosphate fertilized land and then either
pre or post-emergent spraying with DuPont's Telar chlorsulfuron herbicide and
an insecticide.”
Plant seeds that are resistant to herbicide screams GM
(genetic modification, or GE—genetic engineering) to me, although Steffan says
they claim it is “mutagenesis rather than GE”—fine lines drawn in murky waters,[ii] I
reckon. New Zealand food crops are supposedly GM-free (see my related posts
Genetic Modification in New Zealand and Genetically Modified Animal Feeds Used in New Zealand and Why Genetically Modified Foods Are Big News). Is this, to use an old cliché, a thin edge of a wedge?
The issue of treated seed—seeds infused with systemic
insecticide and fungicides—is an equally disturbing issue. I’ve seen a couple
of articles lately (like this one) about grass seed. You know, if you go to
your local garden centre, your grass seed now comes in pink, blue, or green,
but plain, uncoated seed is only available online from a few places. That
colourful chemical coating is to supposedly discourage bugs, fungi, and birds
from eating or damaging your seed, but it comes at a peril. An article I read
recently—I think it was in Organic NZ, but
it might have been an item on tv One’s Rural
Delivery—talked about how clover treated with systemic insecticide produces
flowers that are toxic to the very bees needed to pollenate them (and presumably,
what pollen makes it back to the hive becomes a honey contaminant). Yet
farmers, like home-owners, are increasingly coerced into buying
pesticide/fungicide-treated seed due to an increasingly limited availability of
untreated seed. (See Ravensdown website for an example, where treated pasture seed is recommended to farmers.)
Downstream from all this on-the-farm business is our food
supply. A few hundred sick cows on Southland dairy farms don’t even make 3rd
page news in the major daily newspapers. It’s just “farmer stuff”, and editors
are probably right in assumed the average urban or suburban Kiwi isn’t all that
interested. But they should be. Although the cows on the first farm in this
story (the supposedly lead-poisoned ones) were put down, I find it unlikely
that farmers on the other 30-50 affected farms—once lead shot had been ruled
out—were as likely to do a blanket cull of their dairy cows, nor to make major
changes in their overall farming practices (other than take the cows off the
So, once these cows calf (assuming they recover), will the
milk from these cows be tested? Will the milk go into our milk supply? Will the
cows be slaughtered and the meat end up in your dog food? Should our dairy cows
be grazing pastures that have been heavily dosed with herbicides and
insecticides? Are these the same swedes and kale going into our supermarkets
for human consumption? Should you be eating swedes and kale? Are the swedes and
kale on your table (or the kale leaves in your “healthy” green juice) full of
fungicides and systemic insecticide? Is the clover honey you spread on your
toast a safe, pure product? What other fruits and vegetables on your plate have
been grown with modified seeds and heavily dosed with pesticides and herbicides?
You can rest assured that the powers that be will assure
everyone that our food supply is safe, but the truth is, little food is tested
for anything unless a problem shows up. Since people eat a more varied diet
than cows, whole populations are unlikely to suddenly turn sick, and who wants
to test for causes of problems that aren’t even apparent? Furthermore, humans experiencing compromised livers or kidneys, for example, would hardly consider their diet as a likely cause. Food, we assume, causes gastro problems, right? Not organ damage. But is that a reliable assumption?
Sick cows in Southland ARE a big issue—and these were sick
enough that some died. That should be regarded as a warning not just to
farmers, but to us all.